73 Million U.S. Jobs Are Killed by 2030?

The Post-Pandemic Workforce: What new data show about the U.S. labor market that emerged from the coronavirus

AI Is a Lot of Work: As the technology becomes ubiquitous, a vast tasker underclass is emerging — and not going anywhere.

AI and the automation of work: ChatGPT and generative AI will change how we work, but how different is this to all the other waves of automation of the last 200 years? What does it mean for employment? Disruption? Coal consumption?

Microwork in Brazil: who are the workers behind Artificial Intelligence? Microwork refers to a type of online work that is carried out on digital platforms. This work typically involves performing low-complexity, repetitive, on-demand microtasks, reduced to a service and paid per-piece. Workers performing microwork receive a few cents in local currency or US dollars for each completed task. While this type of work is informal and typically lacks social and labor protections, it plays an important role in the technological development of our society, particularly with respect to the production of AI

How AI requires a new approach to work and management: Oh, we’re at a real turning point for management. This has been predicted for a number of decades too, but the management philosophy, structures, theses—all the models we’re taught in business school—are all based essentially on post-war industrial complex approaches to organizations. Command and control was the first, it’s kind of one of these very big approaches. But beyond command and control, even with some of the smaller, more nimble organizations, they’ve largely been modeled off of traditional structures. AI I think is going to disrupt that.

Companies That Replace People with AI Will Get Left Behind: Companies are integrating AI into their operations so quickly that job losses are likely to mount before the gains arrive. White-collar workers might be especially vulnerable in the short-term.The speed of this adoption presents an opportunity for companies to step up their pace of innovation, however — and if enough companies to go on offensive, then we won’t have to worry about AI unemployment. Adopting a bias for boldness and a startup mentality will help companies find the agility to make the most of this moment, and protect jobs as a result.

The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier

Is your workforce reinvention ready? Workplace skills are changing. Here’s how to support employees. Reskilling Revolution: Preparing 1 billion people for tomorrow’s economy

Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation (2015): “A automação não eliminou a maioria dos empregos ao longo das décadas e dos séculos. A automação substitui, de facto, a mão de obra – como é habitualmente pretendido. No entanto, a automação também complementa a mão de obra, aumenta a produção de uma forma que conduz a uma maior procura de mão de obra e interage com ajustamentos na oferta de mão de obra. Os jornalistas e mesmo os comentadores especializados tendem a exagerar a extensão da substituição do trabalho humano pelas máquinas e a ignorar as fortes complementaridades entre a automação e o trabalho que aumentam a produtividade, aumentam os rendimentos e aumentam a procura de trabalho. As mudanças tecnológicas alteram efetivamente os tipos de empregos disponíveis e os respectivos salários.

Fonte: Global Gender Gap Index (WEF)

AI and the Future of Skills

The Dimensions of Data Labor: A Road Map for Researchers, Activists, and Policymakers to Empower Data Producers

AI Isn’t Coming for Tech Jobs – Yet

Robot takeover? Not quite. Here’s what AI doomsday would look like: “I don’t think the worry is of AI turning evil or AI having some kind of malevolent desire,” said Jessica Newman, director of University of California Berkeley’s Artificial Intelligence Security Initiative. “The danger is from something much more simple, which is that people may program AI to do harmful things, or we end up causing harm by integrating inherently inaccurate AI systems into more and more domains of society.”

AI ‘could be as transformative as Industrial Revolution’: “There will be a big impact on jobs and that impact could be as big as the Industrial Revolution was,” Vallance told the Commons science, innovation and technology committee. “There will be jobs that can be done by AI, which can either mean a lot of people don’t have a job, or a lot of people have jobs that only a human could do. “In the Industrial Revolution the initial effect was a decrease in economic output as people realigned in terms of what the jobs were – and then a benefit,” he added. “We need to get ahead of that.”

This startup is using AI to give workers a “productivity score”: Enaible is one of a number of new firms that are giving employers tools to help keep tabs on their employees—but critics fear this kind of surveillance undermines trust.

8 artificial intelligence tools for freelancers