Will humans love AI robots?

AI vs. Humans: Which Performs Certain Skills Better?

AI vs. Humans: Which Performs Certain Skills Better?

There’s Only One Way to Control AI: Nationalization: The AI threat is not Hollywood-style killer robots; it’s AIs so fast, smart and efficient that their behavior becomes dangerously unpredictable. As I used to tell potential tech investors, “The one thing we know for certain about AIs is that they will surprise us.”

Nvidia vs. AMD vs. Intel: Comparing AI Chip Sales: Nvidia has become an early winner of the generative AI boom.

Chart shows AI chips sized according to the quarterly revenue of the Data Center segment for Nvidia, AMD, and Intel from Q2 2021 to Q2 2023. Nvidia has seen the highest growth and had Data Center revenue of $10.3 billion in Q2 2023 compared to $1.3 billion for AMD and $4.0 billion for Intel.

“A estreia do ChatGPT levou alguns especialistas em tecnologia a declará-lo parte de uma ‘revolução dos robots’. Mas a maioria dos americanos não utilizou o ChatGPT e apenas uma pequena percentagem pensa que os chatbots terão um grande impacto nos seus empregos. Ainda menos americanos dizem que os chatbots seriam úteis para o seu próprio trabalho, segundo um novo inquérito do Pew Research Center realizado entre 17 e 23 de julho”.

State of AI Q2’23 Report: Despite a quarterly funding decline, AI sees upticks in deal count, unicorn births, and $100M+ mega-rounds in Q2’23.

What’s the future of generative AI? An early view in 15 charts